Bat Survey Imperative to Maintain Ecological System on Earth

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What you think why UK government has created law to protect bat habitats? Why any individual buying land or making construction work needs to submit the report of bat survey conducted by the expert ecology consultants? There are severe reasons because of which the government has taken such legal steps in protection of bat population. In 1970, the sudden decline of bat population get started and by 1980 more than 70% bat habitats were destroyed.

In Britain, a team of ecology consultants conduct survey in 1980 and the figures came out which were very surprising and serious for the government. It is known that bats eat flying pest thus a decline in bat population will make a long term impact on the ecological system and most importantly o agricultural system. Absence of any species in ecological system can affect all other species or creatures on earth. Thus, it is necessary to maintain the ecological system by protecting bats by law.

Bats hold high agricultural value as even a little brown bat (as little as our thumb) eat 4 to 8 grams of insects each night. Human life is greatly depended on the agricultural and ecological system. Thus, many national and international agencies have started conducting bat survey and take actions to save this endangered species. Survey needs to be done by the environmental scientists who have detailed understanding of the ecological issues.

Area in which the team of ecological scientists conduct survey is known as the project site or area under survey. Once area is decided, the scientists find the existence of bat roosts or bat habitats in various places. They use the latest instruments and indicators to find bats existence. Sometimes effective mitigation schemes are applied to save bat habitats. Bat survey is conducted seasonally and recent survey says that because of the legislation of bat protection, the decline of bats population is decreased to a great extent.

Various Methods of Conducting Bat Survey

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Bat survey is a legal implication by the UK government under section 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and regulation 39 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.)  regulations 2007 to protect bats from any kind of development work in the country. If you are about to start a construction and found roosts of bat then to proceed ahead you have the European protected species license.

When you apply for the European protected species license, you may get an option to mitigate bats artificially with the help of environmental engineers. Experienced environmental engineers are well aware about the echolocation system and types of roosts used by bats. These engineers are actually certified and license owner ecologists or environmental scientists who conduct detail research on different species and make reports.

Ecologists used various methods to conduct bat surveys and they are as follows:

  • They conduct bat survey on building and bridges and check each corner of the building to find any single clue of bat existence. They also seek for the roosts made by bat, food and droppings.
  • Experienced ecological scientist also find survey trees and woodlands to find out holes or roosts made by bats. Scientist should be able to climb the tree and conduct the survey.
  • Ecological scientists are well equipped with the detectors which convert the echolocation calls of bats into the audible once. This way they can identify the bats.
  • If it is assumed that certain vicinity has bat roosts then it is an offense to damage such area and legal government action can be taken. The resolution in such cases is to conduct the emergency bat survey. The ecological scientists have license to apply mitigation schemes for the protection of bats and meanwhile they can also put stay on your construction work.
  • It is known that bats are more active in the evening time thus sometimes surveys are conducted when they are flying from one area to another and feeding themselves. This type of survey is known as “Dusk and Dawn Bat survey”.


Bat Survey – an Activity Done To Protect Endangered Species in UK

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Bat surveys are needed in the United Kingdom in case any development work affects the bats. Bats in U.K. are protected under section 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and regulation 39 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.) (Amendment) regulations 2007. This protection comes in the wake of significant drop in the population of the bats during the last century. There are many reasons for their drop such as changes in ecological system, and unsafe habitats. When we mean changes in ecological system, it means disappearance of the preys which the bats used to feed on, declining hedgerows and woodlands. Unsafe habitats stand for destruction of their roosts due to site development works. Hence, this only flying mammal has to be protected through legislation.

All these do not just cause fines and custodial sentence but also long delay of the development work till the proper corrective measures are taken. Therefore, for any developer, it would be of paramount importance to know whether his proposed development is harming the bats and their roosts. Ecological consultants here can guide the entire development process by taking up thorough bat survey. Usually, there are six types of bat surveys and depending upon the nature of the development they are being undertaken by professional team guided by ecological consultant. Read more..